Angela Bee Chan
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Innovation Hacker

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Angela Bee Chan is well known to be the “Global Innovation Hacker”. Since her first Hackathon participation in 2013, she has participated, mentored, judged and supported almost 500 hackathons and now extends her work to help activate purposeful innovation.

Angela’s background is in public relations and has since worked in marketing, HR and strategy primarily in the IT, technology and energy sectors. With experience working for startups, not for profits, small business and multinational corporations, her diverse experience has lead her to focus on work that helps creates a sustainable planet.

She is a TedX speaker, ARN Women in ICT winner, founder and CEO of Hackathons Australia and Hackathons International, diversity advocate, nature lover and a true millennial.


Hackathon Workshops

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Hackathons are 2-3 day events where we get a diverse group of people to form teams. We gather insights, understand what the customer desires based on their pain points. Then, we run a brainstorming session to come up with ideas, create a working prototype to test its feasibility which we test with the customer, and then come up with a viable business model to pitch to a judging panel.

Hack Days comprise of participants forming groups to deeply understand the customer, allowing them to then come up with ideas and concepts to pitch at the end of the day.

Hack Sessions are short sprints where the pain point or opportunity is already clearly defines and we ask participants to come up with their big, bold and bright ideas.

Hackathons International


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"True innovation is not just technologies, it creates movements and creates change."

— Angela Bee Chan